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Portfolio Management Services Melbourne

We operate a flexible investment model that enables us to utilise a variety of asset classes, investment types and styles of portfolio management for each asset class.

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Australian Equities

The vast majority of our Australian equities exposure comes from the ASX 200 and that is because we prefer to focus on high quality, profitable, well-managed companies to form the nucleus of client portfolios. Over time, this strategy has proven to achieve the best results for our clients. We actively manage our Australian equities exposure to maximise returns and to take advantage of market fluctuations. Our model portfolio continues to deliver very strong returns.


Our client portfolios generally have both unlisted and listed property exposures. We regularly meet with management of listed property trusts and we feel that we know this area of the market better than most. We tend to steer clear of the larger property trusts as the smaller end of the market often offer higher dividend yields, low levels of gearing, and strong potential for capital growth.

Private Equity

To ensure that our portfolios have some diversification away from the listed market, our client portfolios do tend to have an allocation towards unlisted investments. This area of the market can lead to large returns and our industry contacts make it easier for clients to access. They have a good track record of generating high returns.

Hybrid Securities

Our defensive allocation tends to come in the form of listed hybrids. We feel that the extra returns that hybrids have generated over term deposits more than compensates an investor for their additional risk. Through our investment bank relationships, we are often able to secure stock in hybrid floats and this has proven to be successful given the premiums they generally list at.

Global Equities

We have the capabilities to invest in global equities either directly or via a managed investment in the form of listed investment companies (LIC’s) or exchange traded funds (ETF’s). Markets that we often allocate to are the Dow Jones, NASDAQ, S&P 500, Europe, and Asia.


One of the strategies that we adopt is the use of selling Call Options across larger holdings in portfolios to generate additional income. Selling Call Options is a defensive strategy that can enhance income and returns and is favoured by many clients.